Tips For Taking Perfect Mirror Selfies

Mirror selfies are a great way to capture an amazing outfit or a great hairstyle day. Mirror selfies are perfect if you don’t have anyone to take your photo with. To master the mirror selfie, you have to start organizing your space, good lighting, and right-size mirror. Then you have to choose a flattering pose that you want to make while taking a mirror selfie.

In the world of social media, different photographic angles and reflections mean different things. The mirror selfies have started as selfies with lots of flashes taken in front of the bathroom mirror, bedroom mirror, or any other mirror. For people, mirror selfies are more flattering than normal selfies. Hence, they are more popular among people than any other means of taking photos.

How To Take Best Mirror Selfie

Scene Setting

Find a mirror that is the right size such as a full-length mirror for a full-length selfie. Choose a mirror that is large enough to accommodate as many people as you want. For example, a small wall mirror works if you just want a selfie of your face. On the other hand, if you want a full-body image, then you need a large mirror.

Note that you can also crop the selfies. If there is a giant wall mirror in your room or anywhere in the house, then you can crop the photo to only show your face.

Clean Up Room

Before taking a selfie in your bedroom or home, make sure to clean the room or the space that will be displayed in the image. This place should be clean and organized. For example, dirty clothes and other things should be away from your bed. It will help you to make a life-size celebrity poster without embarrassing things in the background.

Also, make sure that the mirror is clean. You can wipe down the spots or smudges using a glass cleaner for a clear and better mirror selfie.

Find The Best Lighting

Natural lighting is the most flattering for mirror selfies, so find a well-lit spot. To take advantage, open the curtains or blinds on the windows and let the natural light come into your room. Also, you can try taking a mirror selfie in the daylight when the weather is nice outside. If it’s dark outside, you might have to recreate natural lighting by turning the warm and soft lamps on instead of bright overhead lights.

While taking a mirror selfie, try to avoid harsh white light or fluorescent light because it dulls your skin. Make sure that the light is not directly on your back. Otherwise, it will be a silhouette.

Perfect Mirror Selfie Tutorial

Perfecting Your Pose

To make a perfect pose, look at the camera instead of the mirror. It helps to avoid looking out of date. When you take a mirror selfie, keep your eyes on the phone screen instead of staring at yourself in the mirror. It not only helps you to look perfect and make a good shot but also keeps you from looking tense or embarrassed. Instead of giving a big smile, try a slight smile or pout for a cooler vibe.

Look Thinner

Try placing one leg in front of another or try crossing your legs to appear thinner or slimmer. To adopt one of these postures, to lengthen your legs, take a small step forward. Step forward to one side or cross one foot in front of the other.

Also, you can point the sole of your foot in front of you. It will help to make your legs look even slimmer. Make sure that you don’t stray too far in front or out to the sides because it looks unnatural.

Showoff Your Outfit

Stand facing forward with your legs slightly apart. It will help to show off your outfit. For this purpose, place your feet hip-width apart and line your shoulders while directly in front of the mirror. Stand straight with your shoulders back so that you don’t see yourself hunched over in the photo.

You can set the arms the way you like. You can hang them naturally at your side or place a hand on your hip for a more daring pose.

Try Variations

You can try variations while taking perfect mirror selfies such as sitting in front of the mirror for the unique pose. Using creativity can help take mirror selfies. You can sit cross-legged on the floor in front of the mirror or put one foot on the counter if you are taking a bathroom mirror selfie.

Also, for a bathroom mirror selfie, you can try sitting on the counter for a fun mirror selfie. For more help, you can use inspirational photos on social media sites.

Taking The Picture

Angles and Heights

You can hold the phone against the face at a slight downward angle. It helps to make you appear slimmer. Make sure that the phone is not below the chin height. You can create the illusion of length and height by tilting the phone slightly to make you look taller.

The higher you hold the phone, the longer and thinner you will appear. You can try different heights and angles to determine what works best for your mirror selfie.

Hide Your Face

You can place your phone in front of your face to hide your face. You can tilt it down too if you don’t want your face to be visible in the mirror selfie. You should be holding your phone directly in front of your face so everything except for hair is covered.

Also, you can take a headless mirror selfie. You have to place your phone under the chin and tilt it down until you no longer see your head in the photo. As a result, your outfit will be the center of attention.

Double Shot

Stand against the mirror and use the front camera to take a great double photo. Lean back on the mirror and switch your phone to the front camera. Now hold the phone in front of you so that the photo captures you and your reflection for an artistic effect.

You can achieve a similar effect by placing 2 mirrors so that you stand between them. You will see yourself reflected in the mirror behind you when you take a mirror selfie.

Mirror Selfies – Aesthetic Way of Display

When it comes to making a social media post, you look for various ways of taking a photo. Sometimes, there is no one around you to take your photo. This is where mirror selfies come in handy and you can take your photo in the perfect lighting and background. There are a few tips and tricks that you can use to take perfect mirror selfies, mainly by finding the right lighting, angle, height, background, etc.

When you take mirror selfies, instead of taking 1 or 2 photos, take multiple shots with different angles and poses. It will help you to capture the best mirror selfie that you can use for posting on social media sites. Also, you can try different poses in one outfit while taking mirror selfies. Cross-legged and hand on your hip or hand in the pocket will help you to take glamourous mirror selfies.