Staying Safe While Taking Beach Photos

Taking photos on beautiful beaches is truly an amazing experience, and some of the photos you’ve taken can actually be sold on stock photo websites or for commercial purposes. If you are learning various skills in photography, then you will probably learn more and enhance those skills by concentrating on beach photography, wherein you will be able to take photos of amazing sceneries and random visitors or tourists that could volunteer as models for your photographs.

However, because of how many people there are on beaches, those areas are not particularly safe, especially if you are holding or bringing expensive equipment. Theft on beaches is relatively common in some areas of the world, as plenty of tourists that go to beaches would often leave their belongings unattended on their tents or beach umbrellas. In addition, there are also some beaches that can be potentially unsafe due to sudden big waves and dangerous creatures like jellyfishes that may be lurking in particular areas.

So, being safe is usually the topmost priority while you are on the beach. If you have photography equipment, you should definitely try to learn different safety procedures before you take photos on beaches. To learn more, here are some tips for staying safe while taking beach photos.

Don’t Leave Your Belongings Unattended

As we have mentioned earlier, a lot of tourists would usually leave their belongings on the sands of the beach while they are enjoying the waters, and while there are some beaches that have security guards patrolling the area, there would still be sneaky thieves that would often be successful in stealing other people’s belongings with ease.

So, the general rule when going to the beach is to never leave your belongings unattended. If you have a travel companion with you, it is advisable for you and your companion to take turns in keeping an eye on your belongings. So, while you are taking creative beach pictures, you should ask your friend or loved one to stay in the tent or under the beach umbrella and guard your belongings.

Always Bring a Travel Backpack

If you don’t have someone with you, you should just carry your belongings using a large backpack that can fit all the pieces of equipment you need for your camera. The large backpack can vary in size, but you will need one where you can fit a tripod, a laptop that you will use for editing, and other pieces of camera equipment that can help you take better photos on the beach.

Of course, you shouldn’t leave your backpack anywhere, so you would have to carry it with you while you are taking photographs. While heavy equipment can be quite uncomfortable to carry for hours, you can purchase a backpack that has extra padding on the straps and on the back of the bag to reduce the amount of discomfort you will feel while carrying the backpack.

Don’t Trespass

Another general rule that you should follow when visiting and taking photos on beaches is to never trespass on areas that are restricted to the public. These restricted areas are very dangerous for visitors to go to, which is why they would often have fences that will make it more difficult for people to visit those areas. Even if you have the capabilities to go through fences, we really wouldn’t advise you to do so since it can do you more harm than good.

If you ever get caught inside a restricted area, there is a high chance that you will get arrested and then subsequently banned from going to the said beach. So, if you plan on taking a lot of photos on the beach, you should always follow the rules that the managers and caretakers of the beach create to ensure the safety of their visitors.

Never Take Photos in Dangerous Areas

Sometimes, dangerous areas are not restricted to visitors or tourists, and while it is legal to go there, we wouldn’t recommend it since dangerous areas can become deadly, especially for those that don’t have safety equipment. The cliffs located on some beaches are sometimes open to the public, but if you are going to take photos there, you should mind where you are standing and where you are placing the tripod of your camera, as one wrong footing could lead to disaster.

So, if you want to be as safe as possible on the beach, you should only take photos in areas that are less dangerous but would still give you beautiful scenery. There is a widespread misconception that the best shots are taken in risky areas, but that is not really true, as you can take amazing photographs even if you are just standing on the sands of the beach or in your hotel room.

Always Ask for Permission

If you are going to take photographs of people on the beach, it would be nice if you could ask for permission first to know if you are allowed to take photos of them. But, keep in mind that it is legal to take photos of people in public places, but on beaches, people often want to have a little bit of privacy in enjoying their break or vacation. So, ask for permission first and see if you can get volunteers to model for your photos.

In addition, if you really want to take pictures in areas where the public is not allowed (as long as it is not dangerous there), you can ask for permission from the caretakers of the beach. There are some that would allow you to visit restricted areas, while there are a lot that will not. Research on which areas of the beach are safe and unsafe for visitors so that you will know where to take photographs before you actually visit the beach.

Taking beach photos requires you to be safe at all times, so you should forget to prioritize safety first before focusing on using your photography skills or having fun at the beach. Always remember the rules of the beach and never test your limits in regards to risk and safety.